


Naehyun在AXIZ - League of Legends Esports Wiki - Leaguepedia的討論與評價

AXIZ is a Japanese team owned by AX Entertainment, Inc., a subsidiary of Nippon TV.

Naehyun在战队AXZ (AXIZ) LoL, 成员,奖项,比赛,数据统计 - ggScore的討論與評價

AXIZ ; 连胜记录, 4 胜利8月前 ; 失败记录, 12 战败2年前 ; 收入, – / – ; MVP, – ; 选手, YellowYoshi.

Naehyun在AXIZ AXZ 3 - LoL Esports的討論與評價

The best place to watch LoL Esports and earn rewards!


    Naehyun在Esports LoL Team AXIZ | GosuGamers的討論與評價

    Information about LoL team AXIZ. AXIZ statistics, roster, and history. ... AXIZ Japan 0. GG elo rating 860; World rank 428; Total earnings -; Win rate 29%.

    Naehyun在AXIZ. League of Legends team: roster, next match, results ...的討論與評價

    EGamersWorld☕ - ✋information about the League of Legends team AXIZ ➦ Current roster & upcoming matches ➦ News, statistics and results of the matches ...

    Naehyun在Team AXZ (AXIZ) LoL - Game-Tournaments的討論與評價

    Information about AXIZ LoL. AXZ statistics, roster and history.

    Naehyun在【公式】AXIZ (@AXIZ_gg) / Twitter的討論與評價

    日本テレビ傘下のeスポーツチーム「AXIZ」(アクシズ)の公式Twitterです OPENREC:https://t.co/nrghFBQnQR… ... LJL(League of Legends Japan League).

    Naehyun在AXIZ (AX) - LoL Team Profile - CQ-Esports的討論與評價

    AXIZ League of Legends Team overview, statistics and results of the matches, current AX lineup:

    Naehyun在AXIZ LoL Team from Japan | Tips.GG的討論與評價

    AXIZ (Japan) LoL esports team upcoming matches and live streams. Check the team's calendar here to know their schedule.

    Naehyun的PTT 評價、討論一次看
